Uma mapa mundi dinâmico!
Acesse o site abaixo, ponha o ponteiro do mouse em cima de um país e você terá a informação de quantas pessoas nascem e morrem a cada momento, a população de cada país e o que ele produz
de CO2.
Where does the data come from?
Birth and death rates: 2010 estimates, from the CIA World Factbook
Population: Data is based on July 2010 estimates from the CIA World Factbook. When Breathing Earth is started, it uses each country's birth and death rates to calculate how populations have changed since July 2010, and adjusts its figures accordingly. It continues adjusting the various population figures as you watch it, each time a person is born or a person dies.
CO2 emission rates: 2006 figures from the United Nations Statistics Division. These are the most up-to-date figures as of October 2010. Collating CO2 emissions data for every country on Earth, representing the same time period, is undoubtedly a massive and very complex task that relies on the availability of many other sets of data. This probably explains why the most recent CO2 emissions data available is from 2006.
CO2 emission rates from four years earlier: When Breathing Earth was first built, it used 2002 figures, also from the United Nations Statistics Division. When you hover your mouse over a country, Breathing Earth compares the 2002 and 2006 figures and indicates whether that country's CO2 emissions have increased or decreased in that time, using the red or green arrow that appears near the bottom-left.
There was an unavailability of a portion of the data for a few of the tinier countries (eg. Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Lesotho). In such cases, I made estimates based on their population, economy, and the data of their relevant neighbours. In all such cases, the figures were so low that even had my estimates been wildly inaccurate, the effect on the simulation would have been negligible.
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